
Dr. Jonathan D. Van Hamme

Department of Biological Sciences
Associate Professor of Microbiology

Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Box 3010, 900 McGill Road
Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8

Phone: (250) 377-6064
Fax: (250) 828-5450

News from the lab

June 2015:

Local beer research on the radio! And: In press Castanet

Congratulations to Corrie Belanger, Katiana Pyper, Lee Bergstrand, Dr. Eric Bottos on their great presentations at the Canadian Society for Microbiologists Annual Meeting in Regina. We are all proud of Katiana Pyper for winning the ISME 8 Travel Award for her excellent poster!

And in other news: A summer of beer research in the Van Hamme Lab!

April 2015:

Congratulations to Corrie Belanger and Robyn McArthur on their NSERC USRAs! They will be working on NSERC Engage projects this summer with Red Collar Brewing and BA Brewmaster in Kamloops!

Just published: Eevers N, Van Hamme JD, Bottos EM, Weyens N, Vangronsveld J. (2015) Draft Genome Sequence of Enterobacter aerogenes, a DDE-Degrading and Plant Growth-Promoting Strain Isolated from Cucurbita pepo. GenomeA. 3(2):e00317-15. http://genomea.asm.org/content/3/2/e00317-15.abstract

Church JS, Raymond AF, Moote PE, Van Hamme JD, Thompson DJ. (2015) Investigating the Carbon Footprint of Cattle Grazing the Lac Du Bois Grasslands of British Columbia. Journal of Ecosystems and Management. 15(1):1-14. http://jem.forrex.org/index.php/jem/article/view/571/501

Two new publications in press:

Eevers N, Van Hamme JD, Bottos EM, Weyens N, Vangronsveld J. (2015) Sphingomonas taxi, Isolated from Cucurbita pepo Proves to Be a DDE-Degrading and Plant Growth-Promoting Strain. GenomeA. IN PRESS.

Eevers N, Van Hamme JD, Bottos EM, Weyens N, Vangronsveld J. (2015) Draft Genome Sequence of Methylobacterium radiotolerans, a DDE-Degrading and Plant Growth-Promoting Strain Isolated from Cucurbita pep. GenomeA. IN PRESS.

Feb 3, 2015:

Good luck to Eric Bottos in his new position at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory!

Feb 3, 2015:

Updated list of current laboratory members & posted a new lab group photo.

Feb 3, 2015:

Congratulations to Corrie Belanger for her recent U-REAP award!


We have been busy sequencing genomes for collaborators in Canada, Belgium, Brazil, Italy and Spain using 400-bp IonTorrent technology. Here’s an example: